みなさま、 山村です。先にご案内した研究会(4/15)とは別に、Shapiro博士の特別講演会 が下記のように駒場で開催されますのでご案内します。奮ってご参加ください。 なお、こちらの講演会のお問合せは陶山先生までお願いします。 =================================================================== 日 時: 2006年4月10日(月) 2:30PM〜4:00PM 場 所: 東京大学駒場Tキャンパス16号館1階126/127号室) (地図:http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam02_01_15_j.html) 題 目: Genomic Variability within an Organism Exposes Its Cell Lineage Tree 講演者: Ehud Shapiro (Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and Department of Biological Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~udi/bio.html 概 要: What is the lineage relation among the cells of an organism? The answer is sought by developmental biology, immunology, stem cell research, brain research, and cancer research, yet complete cell lineage trees have been reconstructed only for simple organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans. We discovered that somatic mutations accumulated during normal development of a higher organism implicitly encode its entire cell lineage tree with very high precision. Our mathematical analysis of known mutation rates in microsatellites (MSs) shows that the entire cell lineage tree of a human embryo, or a mouse, in which no cell is a descendent of more than 40 divisions, can be reconstructed from information on somatic MS mutations alone with no errors, with probability greater than 99.95%. Analyzing all ~1.5 million MSs of each cell of an organism may not be practical at present, but we also show that in a genetically unstable organism, analyzing only a few hundred MSs may suffice to reconstruct portions of its cell lineage tree. We demonstrate the utility of the approach by reconstructing cell lineage trees from DNA samples of a human cell line displaying MS instability. Our discovery and its associated procedure, which we have automated, may point the way to a future "Human Cell Lineage Project" that would aim to resolve fundamental open questions in biology and medicine by reconstructing ever larger portions of the human cell lineage tree. 問合せ: 陶山明(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻生命環境科学系) E-mail: suyama@dna.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp Tel/Fax: 03-5454-6528 =================================================================== -- 山村雅幸 東京工業大学 大学院総合理工学研究科 知能システム科学専攻 〒226-8502 横浜市緑区長津田町4259 Tel/Fax 045-924-5212