特定領域「分子プログラミング」 JST・CREST、分子計算研究会 関係各位 分子計算研究会のお知らせ 以下の要領で、研究会・特別講演会を開きますのでご参加ください。 ======================================================================== 日 時: 2006年4月15日(土)1:30PM〜5:30PM 場 所: 早稲田大学理工学部62W号館大会議室(1階) (地図:http://www.sci.waseda.ac.jp/campus-map/) 話 題: <前半:研究会 1:30PM〜3:30PM>   1.研究報告(募集中!) ・小宮健「分子プログラミングに向けたヘアピン動作型分子マシンのシステム解析」 ・木賀大介「iGEM(人工遺伝子回路構築の「ロボコン」)に参加してみませんか?」 ・柚木克之(慶應義塾大学・榊原研)「OMICSデータに基づく転写制御ネットワークの動態シミュレーション」   2.事務連絡:最終年度の計画について <後半:特別講演会 4:00PM〜5:30PM> 題 目: Injecting Life with Computers 講演者: Ehud Shapiro (Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and Department of Biological Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~udi/bio.html 概 要: Although electronic computers are the only "computer species" we are accustomed to, the mathematical notion of a programmable computer has nothing to do with wires and logic gates. In fact, Alan Turing's notional computer, which marked in 1936 the birth of modern computer science and still stands at its heart, has greater similarity to natural biomolecular machines such as the ribosome and polymerases than to electronic computers. Recently, a new "computer species" made of biological molecules has emerged. These simple molecular computers inspired by the Turing machine, of which a trillion can fit into a microliter, do not compete with electronic computers in solving complex computational problems; their potential lies elsewhere. Their molecular scale and their ability to interact directly with the biochemical environment in which they operate suggest that in the future they may be the basis of a new kind of "smart drugs": molecular devices equipped with the medical knowledge to perform disease diagnosis and therapy inside the living body. They would detect and diagnose molecular disease symptoms and, when necessary, administer the requisite drug molecules to the cell, tissue or organ in which they operate. In the talk we review this new research direction and report on preliminary steps carried out in our lab towards realizing its vision. ======================================================================== 以上 -- 山村雅幸 東京工業大学 大学院総合理工学研究科 知能システム科学専攻 〒226-8502 横浜市緑区長津田町4259 Tel/Fax 045-924-5212